The very latest in virtual reality flight simulators is coming soon to Leighnor Aircraft. Our goal is to have the simulator up and running before the end of January.
Developed by True Course Simulations of Prescott Arizona, this is a state of the art flight teaching tool. The simulator combines virtual reality, minor motion and guided flight instruction to help students achieve flight goals quicker and faster while saving money on flight time. This is just another way you can accomplish more by flying at Leighnor Aircraft!
In use at Embry-Riddle Dayton Beach and the USAF Academy, studies on actual students have shown a 30% reduction in time to first solo. The goal of the company is to help students be better prepared for flight lessons in aircraft by their read/watch/do/fly approach to flight instruction.
Students will have a reading assignment to understand the flight maneuver. After reading the assignment, students can then watch a short video of the flight maneuvers being performed. Once briefed on the flight lesson, students then go to the simulator with guided real time feedback in their headset. At the end of the lesson, students get immediate scoring on how well they performed.
Instructors benefit from this approach by having well-prepared students in the cockpit, ready to fly the lesson of the day. This approach helps limit drop outs by saving time and money, plus students can re-fly these lessons as many times as needed to help master their skills, thus providing more student engagement in the learning process.
Instructors have a score matrix for all lessons for all their students that provides an at-a-glance status of just how well—or not well— any given student is mastering a lesson topic.
What’s really beneficial for students is that there is no hourly flight charge for use of the simulator. That’s right—it’s free! What you pay for is the software license for the course and that’s a one-time fee that’s good forever. Our launch price on the Private Pilot Course is $99.95 plus tax, which is an 80% discount.